Tuesday, October 11, 2011

More Halloween projects

Wicked wreath

I saw this wicked sign at Krumpet's and had to have it. I found some ribbon at JoAnn's that matched pretty close and I had some leftover ornaments from my other Halloween wreath. This wreath came together pretty quickly but I did play with the ribbon for a while to get it just right. I am not good at bows so I had to come up with another way to use it.

Halloween flower arrangement

Floral arrangements can be kind of pricey. I bought everything for this at half off and still spent over twenty dollars on it. I would even like to get one more bunch of leaves to put in the back of it but every store I have gone to to find some more is all sold out. So, this will have to do for this year.
Here's how it looks with my other decor:

I went to Roberts for Ladies Night Out and made this bracelet as a free make-n-take:
I like the idea of using buttons in jewelry. It got my creative wheels spinning. I'm sure I'll find some ways to add buttons to my jewelry projects in the future.
Now, back to decorating my house.

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